Suppose I have a numpy 2d array (m by n), I want to get indexes of all its rows contain at least one nan values.
It is relatively straightforward to do it in pure numpy as follows:
import numpy as np
X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, np.nan], [6, 9]])
has_nan_idx = np.isnan(X).any(axis=1)
>>> array([False, True, False])
How can I achieve the same using numba njit? For me, I got an error since numba does not support any with arguments.
If you use guvectorize
you'll automatically get the ufunc benefits of having things like the axis keyword.
For example:
from numba import guvectorize
@guvectorize(["void(float64[:], boolean[:])"], "(n)->()")
def isnan_with_axis(x, out):
n = x.size
out[0] = False
for i in range(n):
if np.isnan(x[i]):
out[0] = True
isnan_with_axis(X, axis=1)
# array([False, True, False])