I want to navigate to a composable screen when clicking on a notification that contains data like title, body, and an id. This id should be passed to the composable when the route is created.
object Screen : AppDestination("screen/{id}") {
fun createRoute(id: String): String {
return "screen/$id"
This is my composable screen navigation
fun NavGraphBuilder.screenGraph(
navController: NavHostController
) {
route = Screen.route,
arguments = listOf(navArgument("id") { type = NavType.StringType },
navArgument("idnotation") { type = NavType.StringType }),
deepLinks = listOf(
navDeepLink {
uriPattern = "myapp://screennavigation/idnotation={idnotation}"
) {
payloadId = it.arguments?.getString("id"),
The "id" is the when a certain item from a list is clicked to navigate to it.
The "idNotation" is the id that i get from the notification.
How can I pass the idNotation to the route if i'm getting it in the deeplink after the route is createRoute is called?
I tested how i'm passing the Id to the intent inside a pending intent for a notification and that works, i'm getting it correctly, I'm just not sure how to pass it to the route.
Your deep link is
Which means that the value of the {idnotation}
placeholder will be put into your arguments with the key idnotation
. If you want it to instead fill in the id
field (to match your route and arguments
list), then you'll want to use {id}
uriPattern = "myapp://screennavigation/idnotation={id}"