I have a EditText in my android NestedScrollView and I want it to go to top when It's focused, something like this:
I tried:
SmoothScrolling/Scrolling to a direct pixel, SmoothScrolling/Scrolling to the top of the view(or bottom)
none of them work, and not even respond consistently.
I got it, will leave the question for documentation porposes.
I got the ScrollView size with
And then scrolled to the intended place using:
scrollView.scrollTo(0,2*scrollView.getBottom()/5); //size will vary from view to view
for others who need a solution, here it is for Java
* This function will scroll and bring a view to the top of scrollView
* @param view target view
public static void scrollToView(View rootView, ScrollView scrollView, View view) {
int[] locationOfView = new int[2];
int viewY = locationOfView[1];
int[] locationOfScrollView = new int[2];
int scrollY = locationOfScrollView[1];
scrollView.post(() -> scrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, viewY + scrollView.getScrollY() - scrollY));
And here is Kotlin
extension function:
* Scrolls the ScrollView to bring a specific view to the top.
* @param target The target view to be brought to the top.
fun ScrollView.scrollToView(rootView: View, target: View, extraTopMargin: Int = 10.dp()) {
val (_, targetViewY) = IntArray(2).apply { target.getLocationOnScreen(this) }
val (_, scrollViewY) = IntArray(2).apply { getLocationOnScreen(this) }
post { smoothScrollTo(0, targetViewY + scrollY - scrollViewY - extraTopMargin) }