i'm trying to implement a funcion who calculate the minium value of a stack in C implemented with an array, using only push() and pop() function. here is my code: (findMin() is the last function).
The function doesn't work, if i put 5 3 5 5 5 in the stack, it prints "minium value 1". I think it's because i can't find a correct base condition
void init(int S[]){
S[0] = 0;
int push(int S[], int x) {
S[0] = S[0] + 1;
S[S[0]] = x;
else printf("stack full\n");
int pop(int S[]) {
int x = S[S[0]];
return x;
else {
printf("stack empty\n");
return -1;
int emptyStack(int S[]) {
return S[0] == 0;
int fullStack(int S[]) {
return S[0] == SIZE;
int findMin(int S[]){
if(emptyStack(S)) return ;
int x = pop(S);
if(x < findMin(S)) return x;
else return findMin(S);
push(S, x);
Interesting logic...
By what i could understand, here is what you need to do,
#define LARGE_NUMBER 1000; //You could look into INT_MAX
int findMin(int S[]){
if(emptyStack(S)) return LARGE_NUMBER;
int x = pop(S);
int y = findMin(S); // Store result in separate variable to return
if(x < y) return x;
else return y;
push(S, x); // This is unreachable code, so stack becomes empty
After these changes, findMin() returns "3" in your case when input is "5 3 5 5 5".