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How do I implement a Vector with const correctness that forbids a normal iterator of such Vector to change the value at the address of the iterator


I am writing my own vector.h for fun (please don't judge). I am trying to remain const correct so I have implemented both a const .begin() function and non const .begin() functions for my Vector::iterator class. My CMakeLists.txt file is requiring C++23

The Issue:

In my UnitTest I am unfortunately able to declare a const vector then declare a non const iterator and successfully change the value of the const Vector using the iterator. This is obviously not the point of a const Vector.

Please If you have time look through my implementation to see what I am overlooking. Full code found on my github here. Snippets below:

My code:

Test that has unwanted behavior

TEST(testConstBegin) {
    const Vector<int> c_myVec = {0,1,2,4};
    Vector<int>::iterator it = c_myVec.begin(); // NOTE not const.
    // c_myVec[0] = 4;            // fails as expected
    *it = 4;                      // should fail but does not. THIS IS WHY I WROTE THIS QUESTION.
    CHECK_EQUAL(c_myVec[0], 0);   // This line should never run.

iterator assigment ctor

   template <typename T>
    typename Vector<T>::iterator::iterator_reference
           typename Vector<T>::iterator::const_iterator_reference other) {
        if (this != &other) 
            iter_ = other.iter_;
        return *this;

const .begin()

 template <typename T>
    typename Vector<T>::const_iterator 
    Vector<T>::cBegin() const {
        return typename Vector<T>::iterator::const_iterator(array_);
    // issue #001
    template <typename T>
    typename Vector<T>::const_iterator 
    Vector<T>::begin() const {
        return typename Vector<T>::iterator::const_iterator(array_);


   template <typename T>
    typename Vector<T>::iterator
    Vector<T>::begin() {
        return iterator(array_);

const operator*()

   // const operator*
    template <typename T>
    typename Vector<T>::iterator::const_reference
    Vector<T>::iterator::operator*() const {
        return *iter_;

non const operator*()

   // operator*
    template <typename T>
    typename Vector<T>::iterator::reference
    Vector<T>::iterator::operator*() {
        return *iter_;

stl_vector.h implementation

       *  Returns a read-only (constant) iterator that points to the
       *  first element in the %vector.  Iteration is done in ordinary
       *  element order.
      begin() const _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT
      { return const_iterator(this->_M_impl._M_start); }

stl_vector.h behavior I am trying to create

testVectorFillCtor.cpp:32:50: error: conversion from ‘__normal_iterator<const int*,[...]>’ to non-scalar type ‘__normal_iterator<int*,[...]>’ requested
   32 |     std::vector<int>::iterator it = c_myVec.begin();
      |                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~


  • Implementing a container is not easy, but if you do, I absolutely respect that your goal is to be const correct. In fact, don't do this kind of thing if you are not going to do it 100% "const-correct".

    The original defect I see in your code is this one here,

            typedef const iterator           const_iterator;

    const_iterator needs to be implemented as a different class than iterator, so it can return const references when dereferenced.

    In any case, a const_iterator has nothing to do with the iterator being const. Think about it, can a const_itertor be mutated (e.g., by increment)? Probably yes, so it is definitely not the same as iterator const. This is the same difference as between double const* and double* const. (This is the kind of confusion one doesn't have by using EastConst).

    In other words, const_iterator and iterator are basically independent types. For the case of a vector, they can be defined simply as double const* and double* respectively; but that will hide the general complexity of implementing iterators. So, I will assume that we want iterators to be classes.

    I have implemented vector-like containers; unfortunately, there is no other way.

    You can save some code duplication by having a single common basic_iterator<Ref> base parameterized in T& and T const&, but that is a different story.

    This is the smallest code I came up with to illustrate this point:

    class Vec {
        double value_ = 5;
        struct iterator {
            double* ptr_;
            auto operator*() const -> double& {return *ptr_;}
        struct const_iterator {
            double const* ptr_;
            // ... perhaps allow implicit conversion from iterator to const_iterator and other shenanigans here
            auto operator*() const -> double const& {return *ptr_;}
        auto begin()       ->       iterator {return {&value_};}
        auto begin() const -> const_iterator {return {&value_};}
    int main() {
        Vec const v;
        assert( *v.begin() == 5 );
    //    *v.begin() = 6;  // double const& is not assignable, compilation error

    For a complete example, look at my container array library, follow the white rabbit from this line,

    To avoid some code duplication, you can use some template tricks:

    class Vec {
        double value_ = 5;
        template<template<typename> class Modifier>
        struct iterator_base {
            Modifier<double>::type* ptr_;
            auto operator*() const -> auto& {return *ptr_;}
        using       iterator = iterator_base<std::type_identity>;
        using const_iterator = iterator_base<std::add_const    >;
        auto begin()       ->       iterator {return {&value_};}
        auto begin() const -> const_iterator {return {&value_};}

    If you want to completely eliminate code duplication and automatically convert from iterator to cons_iterator, you can do this, although it is unclear if it is a real gain.

    class Vec {
        std::unique_ptr<double> base_ = std::make_unique<double>(5.0);
        template<template<typename> class ConstQ>
        class iterator_base {
            ConstQ<double>::type* ptr_;
            friend class iterator_base<std::add_const>;
            explicit iterator_base(ConstQ<double>::type* ptr) : ptr_{ptr} {}
            iterator_base(iterator_base<std::type_identity> const& other) : ptr_{other.ptr_} {}
            auto operator*() const -> auto& {return *ptr_;}
        using       iterator = iterator_base<std::type_identity>;
        using const_iterator = iterator_base<std::add_const    >;
        auto begin_aux() const {return iterator(base_.get());}
        auto begin()       ->       iterator {return begin_aux();}
        auto begin() const -> const_iterator {return begin_aux();}

    One can eliminate the spurious base class and the strange constructor by using the questionable technique of inheritance-for-extension; one has to be careful later when implementing mutation members on the iterators classes. Note the constness doesn't escape from the design if one is careful in the implementation:

        class const_iterator {
            const_iterator(double* ptr) : ptr_{ptr} {}
            double* ptr_;
            friend class Vec;
            auto operator*() const -> double const& {return *ptr_;}
        struct iterator : const_iterator {
            auto operator*() const -> double      & {return *ptr_;}