I have some string constants in z3, e.g.
boxes = [String(x) for x in range(10)]
# Valid values are x or y
for box in boxes:
s.add(Or([box == val for val in 'xy']))
How would I add the constraint that the number of strings that equal "x" == the number of strings that equal "y"?
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
boxes = [String("s" + str(x)) for x in range(10)]
# Make sure each box is either x or y
for box in boxes:
s.add(Or(box == StringVal("x"), box == StringVal("y")))
# Count x's and y's
xcount = 0
ycount = 0
for box in boxes:
xcount += If(box == StringVal("x"), 1, 0)
ycount += If(box == StringVal("y"), 1, 0)
# Assert the number of x's equal y's
s.add(xcount == ycount)
# Get a model:
if s.check() == sat:
print (s.model())
print("No solution")
This prints:
[s9 = "x",
s3 = "x",
s6 = "y",
s2 = "y",
s5 = "y",
s7 = "y",
s4 = "x",
s1 = "x",
s0 = "x",
s8 = "y"]