I have a Dynamic ListView loading some data. One of the items is a string in a TextObject.
I am trying to set the Text Trimming for this text object to Character
. I have set the properties in the Object Inspector set to WordWrap: True
and Trimming: Character
On Android, it seems to do nothing, the text continues untrimmed (on Windows, it works fine, and I see the three dots like this: ...
). I thought perhaps I need to do the trimming in code, so I have done this:
procedure TfrmJob.lvWorksheetsUpdateObjects(const Sender: TObject;
const AItem: TListViewItem);
TextObj: TListItemText;
TextObj := AItem.Objects.FindDrawable('Description') as TListItemText;
TextObj.Trimming := TTextTrimming.Character;
On Android, this code still does not trim the text at all, as before it just keeps going and overflows.
Am I doing something wrong?
This is expected behavior. per the TTextTrimming
(and TText.Trimming
) documentation:
Note: For Android and iOS platforms, Trimming works only when WordWrap = False.
But, you have WordWrap
set to True