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Having trouble getting discord bot to respond to commands

I am struggling with a discord bot command that I've been working on recently. I am trying to use randint in order to roll for different outcomes but the number stays the same when i use the variable

x = (random.randint(1,100))

async def eightball(ctx):
await ctx.send(x)
if x == 1:
    await ctx.send ("Thats very lucky!:8ball")
    if x in range(11,98):
        await ctx.send ("Shame on you! The :8ball: says.")
        if x == 100:
            await ctx.send ("That also happens to be very fortunate :8ball:")
            if x in range(2, 10):
                await ctx.send ("Closer and closer! the :8ball: gets!")
                if x == 99:
                    await ctx.send ("Oof, :8ball:")
                    if x == 1:
                        await ctx.send ("Wow, The :8ball: Is Impressed")`


  • You need to have your x be inside the command. In your code, you are only randomly generating x once. You need to do it everytime someone uses the command.

    async def eightball(ctx):
        x = random.randint(1,100)
        if x == 1:
            msg = "Thats very lucky! :8ball:"
        elif x in range(2, 10):
            msg = "Closer and closer! the :8ball: gets!"
        elif x in range(11, 98):
            msg = "Shame on you! The :8ball: says."
        elif x == 99:
            msg = "Oof, :8ball:"
        elif x == 100:
            msg = "That also happens to be very fortunate :8ball:"
            # can add else here if you wanted to
            # but we can't geenerated a number that ends up here so pointless
            # leaving for demo purposes
        await ctx.send(msg)

    I've also simplified your logic a bit - rather than lots of indented if/else statements, we can use if/elif to check other conditions if the first one is true. This makes your code a bit neater and allows adding other conditions a lot easier. I've also ordered the statements in numerical order - makes it easier to read and parse the logic a bit better. Here's a tutorial on conditonal statements (if/else/elif). Here's another on "scope". The latter might help understand your x problem.

    Could also use pattern matching but that's relatively new so best to stick to if/elif/else for now.