Previously when creating plotly grapths I've been using ggploty()
, but now I wanted to make a treemap it didn't work. In just regular ggplot()
it worked, I used geom_treemap
I think it was. But in this data I have many 'labels' so i need the hover over to show the tooltip-data, so some plotly graph is needed - ggplot will not suffice.
I come across this section of code of directly generating a plotly-map w/o giving it a ggplot-object.
df_plotly <- plot_ly(
labels = ~ SNI2007,
parents = NA,
values = ~ sum_anstallda,
type = 'treemap',
hovertemplate = "Bransch: %{label}<br>Anställda: %{value}<extra></extra>") %>%
layout(title = list(text = paste0('Anställda berörda av konkurser, kumulativt',
sprintf("%s - till och med ", geografi),'</sup>')),
margin = list(l = 0, r = 0, b = 0, t = 70))
I don't know if this is some old function of plotly? It works, however the title gets centered, but I want it left-aligned - how do I pass an argument for this?
Also if there's a newer function I should use to create a plotly-treemap please advise.
You can control horizontal title alignment through x
, xanchor
& xref
properties. Before playing around with those, it may be worth going through descriptions first -
Title layout is not specific to Plotly chart type, so here's just general example from ?plot_ly
plot_ly(z = ~volcano) |>
layout(title = list(text = "Maunga Whau Volcano",
x = 0, # x position with respect to `xref` in normalized
# coordinates from "0" (left) to "1" (right).
xanchor ="left", # horizontal alignment with respect to its x position.
# "left" means that the title starts at x
xref = "paper")) # "paper" refers to the width of the plotting area
Created on 2023-02-25 with reprex v2.0.2