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How to extract symbols from parsed LaTeX equation in Sympy?

I have parsed a LaTeX equation in Sympy, but now I need to extract the variables to symbols so that I can have Sympy solve/rearrange the equation for specific variables.

I know I can use equation.free_symbols to see the symbols contained in the equation, but how do I set those as symbols (automatically) so that I can specify them for the symbolic solution, i.e. solve(equation,C_L)?

from sympy.parsing.latex import parse_latex
from sympy import init_printing
from sympy.solvers import solve
from sympy import symbols


equation = parse_latex(r"""
S_{\TO} = \frac{1}{\frac{2g*\rho}{2\left( \WoS \right)}(\mu C_{\L}-C_{\D_{0}}-KC_{\L}^2)}\ln(\frac{(\ToW)-\mu + (\frac{\rho}{2(\WoS)}(\mu C_{\L}-C_{\D_{0}}-KC_{\L}^2))V_{\f}^{2}}{(\ToW)-\mu + (\frac{\rho}{2(\WoS)}(\mu C_{\L}-C_{\D_{0}}-KC_{\L}^{2}))V_{\i}^{2}} )
+ \frac{V_{\TR}^{2}}{0.2g}\sin(\sin^{-1}((\ToW)-\frac{1}{(\LoD)}))
+ \frac{h_{\obstacle}-\frac{V_{\TR}^{2}}{0.2g}(1-\cos(\gamma_{\climb}))}{\tan(\gamma_{\climb})}            

test = (equation.free_symbols)


  • The var function will inject the symbols it creates from a string into the workspace. So, for example, you can do:

    >>> from sympy import *
    >>> syms = lambda eq: tuple(ordered(var(','.join(str(i) for i in eq.free_symbols))))
    >>> eq = S('x_a + Cb_1')
    >>> eq.has(x_a) # not yet defined
    NameError: name 'x_a' is not defined
    >>> syms(eq)  # now x_a and Cb_1 are defined
    (Cb_1, x_a)
    >>> eq.has(x_a)
    >>> esyms = syms(equation)
    >>> sol = solve(equation, C_L)