I am trying to read an .ics file using powershell and the iCal.Net package.
# Install-Package NodaTime -Force -MaximumVersion 3.0.0
# Install-Package iCal.Net -Force
# load assemblies
Write-Host loading assemblies -ForegroundColor Green
Add-Type -LiteralPath 'C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\NuGet\Packages\NodaTime.3.0.0\lib\netstandard2.0\NodaTime.dll'
Add-Type -LiteralPath 'C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\NuGet\Packages\Ical.Net.4.2.0\lib\netstandard2.0\Ical.Net.dll'
# define ics url
Write-Host defining ics url -ForegroundColor Green
$icsurl = 'https://url_to/basic.ics'
# load ics
Write-Host invoking web request -ForegroundColor Green
$response = Invoke-WebRequest $icsurl
# deserialize ICS
Write-Host deserializing ics -ForegroundColor Green
$calendar = [Ical.Net.Calendar]::Load( $response.Content )
Write-Host $calendar
Even though I can see the .ics file contains multiple events, the $calendar variable doesn't return any results.
This is the output of the script
loading assemblies
defining ics url
invoking web request
deserializing ics
And $response.Content simply shows me the contents of the .ics file
From this example it looks like you have to use the static method Calendar.Load()
. It accepts a string, so you don't need to download to a file. You can do everything in memory.
A static method is called without an object, instead you call it using ::
on a class.
# download ICS
$response = Invoke-WebRequest $icsurl
# TODO: handle download errors
# deserialize ICS
$calendar = [Ical.Net.Calendar]::Load( $response.Content )
To discover static members you can use this command:
[Ical.Net.Calendar] | Get-Member -Static