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regex findall overlapped does not give match if one of them is a prefix of the other

import regex

product_detail = "yyy target1 target2 xxx".lower()
p1 = r"\btarget1\b|\btarget1 target2\b"
p2 = r"\btarget2\b|\btarget1 target2\b"
for pattern in [p1, p2]:
    matches = regex.findall(pattern, product_detail, overlapped=True)

why does matches from p1 only give ['target1'] as output, without 'target1 target2'

but matches from p2 can successfully give ['target1 target2', 'target2'] as output.

Also if you can provide a fix, how do i generalise it? i have a list of 10000 target words and its not going to be feasible to hardcode them.


  • Here is an example of what I had in mind with my comment on building a list of patterns separating common prefixes:

    import regex  # I'm actually using re (don't have regex)
    product_detail = "yyy target1 target2 xxx".lower()
    keywords = ["target1","target2","target1 target2","target3"]
    from itertools import accumulate, groupby, zip_longest
    groups   = accumulate(keywords,lambda g,k:g if k.startswith(g) else k)
    patterns = ( g for _,(*g,) in groupby(keywords,lambda _:next(groups)) )
    patterns = ( filter(None,g) for g in zip_longest(*patterns) )   
    patterns = [r"\b" + r"\b|\b".join(g) + r"\b" for g in patterns]
    # [r'\btarget1\b|\btarget2\b|\btarget3\b', r'\btarget1 target2\b']
    for pattern in patterns:
        matches = regex.findall(pattern, product_detail)


    ['target1', 'target2']
    ['target1 target2']