i am trying to count the number of a weekday in a month just from a date. My goal is the expectation column. Any idea how I can achieve it with a SQL script?
It is unclear whether the Weekday
column is part your input or just part of your output. But you did say just from a date so I will assume it is output (Why id needs repeating I do not know). You can get the day name from the to_char() function. Then use that in the Window function row_number() over()
. (see here, here and here)
with test(dt) as
( select dt::date
from generate_series( date '2020-01-01'
, date '2020-01-22'
, interval '1 day'
) gs(dt)
-- your query starts here.
select dt "Date"
, wd "Weekday"
, (row_number(*) over(partition by wd order by dt))::text || '.' || wd "Expected"
from (select dt, to_char(dt, 'Day') wd
from test
) sq
order by dt;
The CTE is used strictly as a data generator. See demo
FYI. It is best with an international audience to use the ISO 8601 date format yyyy-mm-dd. It is unambiguous regardless of local conventions. If your days had not exceeded 12 we could not know which format (mm-dd-yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy) you used.