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Sybase regexp, substr, instr function to split the string

I have the below data in a table.

row_num desc
1 First Name/Last Name - Middle Name
2 FirstName/LastName - MiddleName
3 FirstName/LastName

I am looking for the desired output as below

row_num desc_1 desc_2 desc_3
1 First Name Last Name Middle Name
2 FirstName LastName MiddleName
3 FirstName LastName NULL

In sybase I am not able to use functions like SUBSTR(desc,INSTR(desc,' ',1,1) + 1) . Need some inputs on how to achieve the desired result set in Sybase


  • Assumptions:

    • this is Sybase ASE so the functions of interest will be substring() and charindex()
    • OP wants a set-based SQL solution (eg, we're not parsing @variables as part of a looping/cursor-based construct)
    • all desc columns are of the format firstname/lastname - middlename (so we can search for the static delimiters / and -)

    The general approach is to use charindex() to find the positions of our delimiters and then feed these positions to substring().

    Since ASE does not support CTEs we'll use a derived table to generate the delimiter start positions:

    select  src.row_num,
            substring([desc], 1, dt.pos1-1)                 as desc_1,
            substring([desc], dt.pos1+1,
                              case when dt.pos2=0
                                   then 100 
                                   else dt.pos2-dt.pos1-1
                              end)                          as desc_2,
            case when dt.pos2=0 
                 then NULL 
                 else substring([desc], dt.pos2+3, 100) 
            end                                             as desc_3
    from    src
    join    (select row_num,
                    charindex("/",  [desc]) as pos1,
                    charindex(" - ",[desc]) as pos2
            from    src) dt
    on      src.row_num = dt.row_num
    order by 1


    • desc is a reserved word in ASE hence the need to bracket the name ([desc])
    • for the 2nd substring() replace 100 with a number that's at least as long as the desc column
    • we could eliminate the derived table (dt) by replacing each dt.posX with the associated charindex() call (obviously the substring() calls would become a bit unwieldly)

    This generates:

     row_num desc_1     desc_2      desc_3
     ------- ---------- ----------- ---------
           1 First Name Middle Name Last Name
           2 FirstName  MiddleName  LastName

    FWIW, SQL Function/Reference manuals for the various Sybase RDBMS products: