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Merge cells in HTML table in SQL

I am using this query to create an HTML table and send it by email. Is there any way to merge the cells for the Group ID and Total Transaction Sum columns only if they have the same value to improve readability? Below is the result I want to get

CREATE TABLE #list (GroupID int,AccountID int,Country varchar (20),AccountTransactionSum int)

Insert into #list
(1,18754,'United Kingdom',110),
(1,98668,'United Kingdom',60),
(2,97348,'United Kingdom',770)

DECLARE @xmlBody      XML   
SET @xmlBody = (SELECT (SELECT  GroupID,                        AccountID,                      Country,            AccountTransactionSum,          TotalTransactionSum = sum(AccountTransactionSum) over (partition by GroupID)
                        FROM #list
                        ORDER BY GroupID 
                        FOR XML PATH('row'), TYPE, ROOT('root')).query('<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><style>
                                                                            table <![CDATA[ {border-collapse: collapse; } ]]>
                                                                            th <![CDATA[ {background-color: #4CAF50; color: white;} ]]>
                                                                            th, td <![CDATA[ { text-align: center; padding: 8px;} ]]>
                                                                            tr:nth-child(even) <![CDATA[ {background-color: #f2f2f2;} ]]>
                                                                            <body><table border="1" cellpadding="10" style="border-collapse:collapse;">
                                                                            <th> Group ID </th><th> Account ID </th><th> Country </th><th> Account Transaction Sum </th><th> Total Transaction Sum </th>
                                                                            {for $row in /root/row
                                                                            let $pos := count(root/row[. << $row]) + 1
                                                                            return <tr align="center" valign="center">

select @xmlBody

result I have

enter image description here

result I would like to have

result I would like to have

link to the HTML editor


  • This was a great question, because I didn't know xquery could do this magic! This is what I came up with:

    DROP TABLE #list
    SELECT  *
    INTO    #list
    FROM    (
    (1,18754,'United Kingdom',110),
    (1,98668,'United Kingdom',60),
    (2,97348,'United Kingdom',770)
    ) t (groupid,accountid, country, AccountTransactionSum)
    DECLARE @xmlBody      XML   
    SET @xmlBody = (SELECT  (SELECT GroupID, 
                                    TotalTransactionSum = sum(AccountTransactionSum) OVER (partition BY GroupID),
                                    COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY GroupID) AS rowspan,
                                    CASE WHEN lag(GroupID) OVER(ORDER BY groupid,accountid) = GroupID THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS skipTd
                            FROM    #list ll
                            ORDER BY GroupID, accountid
                            FOR XML PATH('row'), TYPE, ROOT('root')).query('<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><style>
                                                                                table <![CDATA[ {border-collapse: collapse; } ]]>
                                                                                th <![CDATA[ {background-color: #4CAF50; color: white;} ]]>
                                                                                th, td <![CDATA[ { text-align: center; padding: 8px;} ]]>
                                                                                tr:nth-child(even) <![CDATA[ {background-color: #f2f2f2;} ]]>
                                                                                <body><table border="1" cellpadding="10" style="border-collapse:collapse;">
                                                                                <th> Group ID </th><th> Account ID </th><th> Country </th><th> Account Transaction Sum </th><th> Total Transaction Sum </th>
                                                                                {for $row in /root/row
                                                                                let $pos := count(root/row[. << $row]) + 1
                                                                                if ($row/skipTd > 0) then
                                                                                <tr align="center" valign="center">
                                                                                if ($row/rowspan > 1) then
                                                                                <tr align="center" valign="center">
                                                                                <td rowspan ="{data($row/rowspan)}">{data($row/GroupID)}</td>
                                                                                <td rowspan ="{data($row/rowspan)}">{data($row/TotalTransactionSum)}</td>
                                                                                <tr align="center" valign="center">
    SELECT  @xmlBody

    Basically I create two columns, rowspan and skipTd. First controls if rowspan should be applicable, and second says if the current <td> should be skipped because it's part of same group.

    Then I added a nested if to the xquery so it returns either rowspanned, "skipped" or normal HTML depending on these two flags. Maybe there's a nicer way to do it, I'm no expert.