Search code examples

MongoDB: lookup into nested foreign field

I have the following scenario:

A collection of guests who need to choose which bus stop they will take the bus from. Then I have the busescollection. Each bus have multiple trips, and each trip has multiple stops, and each stop has a location.

I need to make a mongo query which returns the guest info with the bus stop they chose (bus stop info + populated location).

The problem is that trips, stops and location are not mongo documents, but subdocuments from buses.

guests collection:

  _id: ObjectId,
  name: String,
  bus_stop: ObjectId

buses collection:

  _id: ObjectId,
  trips: [{ //<-- Subdocument
    _id: ObjectId
    stops: [{ //<-- Subdocument
      _id: ObjectId,
      time: Date,
      location: { //<-- Subdocument
        _id: ObjectId,
        name: String,
        coordinates: [Number]

What I need:

  _id: ObjectId,
  name: String,
  bus_stop: {
    _id: ObjectId,
    time: Date,
    location: {
      _id: ObjectId,
      name: String,
      coordinates: [Number]

I'm trying to perform a $lookup, but no luck so far. This is the query I'm trying to run:

$lookup: {
  from: "buses",
  let: { stop_id: "$bus_stop" },
  pipeline: [
    { $match: { $expr: { $in: [ "$$stop_id", "$going_trips.$stops._id" ] } } } // trying to filter out the bus containing the bus stop
    ... // more stuff should probably go here
  as: "bus_stop",

This is incomplete and wrong, but I'm stuck here on this step trying to filter out the buses which contains the bus stop in question. After this, I should probably figure out how to get the bus stop ans location info.

Any help would be appreciated.



        "$lookup": {
          from: "buses",
          let: {
            stop_id: "$bus_stop"
          pipeline: [
              $unwind: {
                path: "$trips"
              $unwind: {
                path: "$trips.stops"
              $match: {
                $expr: {
                  $eq: [
          as: "bus_stopDetails",

    you could do something like this here i did first unwind the trips and stops then checked the stopID, you need to tweak this based on your need and this is working solution but i feel it can be optimized further by tuning query if needed.