I am currently using library(fgsea) to create a bar plot in ggplot2 based on the results. However, the long pathway labels are causing issues with the image. I tried to use stringr::str_wrap() and strwrap() to address this, but the labels are not being wrapped properly. Can you suggest how to resolve this issue?
pathway pval padj ES NES nMoreExtreme size leadingEdge
1 GOCC_CORNIFIED_ENVELOPE 0.0001061684 0.01894047 0.8468409 2.168420 0 56 KRT77, C....
2 GOBP_KERATINIZATION 0.0001061684 0.01894047 0.8465294 2.167623 0 56 KRT77, C....
3 GOBP_INTERMEDIATE_FILAMENT_ORGANIZATION 0.0001064849 0.01894047 0.7977803 2.037876 0 55 KRT77, K....
4 GOCC_KERATIN_FILAMENT 0.0001105828 0.01894047 0.8149854 2.005688 0 39 KRT77, C....
5 GOMF_STRUCTURAL_CONSTITUENT_OF_SKIN_EPIDERMIS 0.0001156069 0.01917240 0.8476196 1.996867 0 28 KRT77, K....
6 GOMF_SEQUENCE_SPECIFIC_DNA_BINDING 0.0000999900 0.01894047 0.4561934 1.286778 0 1520 HOXD13, ....
Since strwrap
assumes blank spaces (" "
) which are not present in your pathway
, you can replace the _
with a space, string-wrap it, then collapse back into one string, optionally putting the _
results$pathway |>
gsub("_", " ", x=_) |>
sapply(function(st) paste(strwrap(st, 25), collapse = "\n"), USE.NAMES=FALSE) |>
gsub(" ", "_", x=_) |>
gsub("\n", "\n_", x=_)
(This is drawn out a bit for easy-reading, it can easily be condensed into a single call.)