i have two entities 'Game' and 'GameMode' a game can have multiple game modes and a game mode belongs to a game
the issue is whenever i create a game and a game mode for it everything works fine until i restart the server then the relationship between the two disappears and i only get the game without it gameModes
Creating a game
@Mutation(() => GeneralResponse)
async createGame(@Ctx() { em }: MyContext,
@Arg("name") name: string,
): Promise<GeneralResponse> {
const game = em.create(Game, {
active: true,
category: Category.SPORTS,
name: name,
} as Game);
await em.persistAndFlush(game);
return { success: true };
Creating a gameMode for it
@Mutation(() => GeneralResponse)
async createGameMode(@Ctx() { em }: MyContext,
@Arg("gameId") gameId: number,
@Arg("name") name: string
): Promise<GeneralResponse> {
const gameMode = em.create(GameMode, {
Game: em.getReference(Game,gameId),
name: name
} as any);
await em.persistAndFlush(gameMode);
return { success: true };
This is what happens when i restart the server
i have tried to write raw sql for it it did not work same issue
I managed to fix this issue by adding the "populate"
@Query(() => [Game], { nullable: true })
async games(@Ctx() { em }: MyContext): Promise<any> {
const games = await em.find(Game, {}, {
populate: ['gameModes'],
return games;