i have bird that can fly really long distances, so it has a foward of 5. However its not reaching its destination as flying in intervals of 5 makes it jump the mark. To solve it i tried this.
ask Buteo-platypterus[ face min-one-of patches with [pcolor = green ] [distance myself] ifelse distance patches with [pcolor = green] < 5 [fd 1][ fd 5 set energia energia - 5] ]
Distance expects an agent or patch but it's getting an agentset. How do i make the bird go slower when its near the destination?
ifelse distance patches with [pcolor = green][...]
This line of code is your problem. You are asking the distance to all green patches, an agentsent, instead of to the closest green patch.
ifelse distance min-one-of patches with [pcolor = green] [distance myself] [...]
This should solve the problem. You could also use a local variable to not have to rewrite the same code over and over again (which can lead to mistakes)
ask Buteo-platypterus [
let destination min-one-of patches with [pcolor = green ] [distance myself]
face destination
ifelse distance destination < 5 [fd 1][ fd 5 set energia energia - 5]