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How to play different animations when a button is tapped depending on the current state?

I have a widget that is using a GestureDetector and AnimatedBuilder to play an animation when the button is tapped. I can play a single animation without issue. What I want to do is be able to play three different animations on the button (different colors, different duration) depending on the state. Ex;

  • If State = A, play animation A

  • If State = B, play animation B

  • If State = C, play animation C

I have tried using three AnimationControllers and I can't seem to get it working. How can I accomplish this? Is the solution three AnimationControllers? Is it one AnimationController with multiple TweenSequences? Is it one TweenSequence that I add and remove Tweens from?

Thank you for your time.


  • As I had one implementation, I'm attaching that here

    class MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
      _MyWidgetState createState() => _MyWidgetState();
    class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget>
        with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
      AnimationController _controller;
      TweenSequence<Color> _tweenSeqA;
      TweenSequence<Color> _tweenSeqB;
      TweenSequence<Color> _tweenSeqC;
      TweenSequence<Color> _currentTweenSeq;
      String _currentState = 'A';
      void initState() {
        _controller = AnimationController(
          vsync: this,
          duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
        _tweenSeqA = TweenSequence<Color>(
              tween: ColorTween(begin:, end: Colors.yellow),
              weight: 1,
        _tweenSeqB = TweenSequence<Color>(
              tween: ColorTween(begin:, end:,
              weight: 1,
        _tweenSeqC = TweenSequence<Color>(
              tween: ColorTween(begin: Colors.yellow, end:,
              weight: 1,
        _currentTweenSeq = _tweenSeqA;
      void dispose() {
      void _playAnimation() {
        _currentTweenSeq = _getTweenSequenceForCurrentState();
            curve: Curves.linear,
      TweenSequence<Color> _getTweenSequenceForCurrentState() {
        switch (_currentState) {
          case 'A':
            return _tweenSeqA;
          case 'B':
            return _tweenSeqB;
          case 'C':
            return _tweenSeqC;
            return _tweenSeqA;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return GestureDetector(
          onTap: () {
            setState(() {
              if (_currentState == 'A') {
                _currentState = 'B';
              } else if (_currentState == 'B') {
                _currentState = 'C';
              } else {
                _currentState = 'A';
          child: AnimatedBuilder(
            animation: _controller,
            builder: (context, child) {
              final color = _currentTweenSeq.evaluate(_controller);
              return Container(
                width: 100,
                height: 100,
                color: color,

    In this illustration, three TweenSequenceColor> objects—one for each state—are defined. In order to maintain track of the TweenSequence being used for the animation, we additionally define a variable called _currentTweenSeq.

    If you still have some confusion then add your valuable comment.