I have a solution with:
I also have 2 Class Libraries
Is it worth it for my Blazor Server to consume my own WebAPI via HttpClient? Or let my Blazor Server have a DbContext in program.cs too and access the database directly?
Because calling the WebAPI with HttpClient might be slower. And if I choose to call the database directly with Blazor, then I have a lot of copy paste (DbContext, inject services, etc in Program.cs), AKA copying the whole CompositionRoot.
What's your opinion to what I should be doing as for the right approach?
When you want to be sure to have total separation (for future microservices archtitecture) then yes, call the API with HttpClient. But that does reduce your performance, and it's a drag.
As an alternative you can add a separate MyService.Contracts project for each MyService. That project should contain the interface
s and also the DTOs you use for your API.
The other services should only take a dependency on each others .Contracts projects. That prevents directly calling other services.
And then each MyService project should expose a helper method to register all its services with the DI. In Program.cs you can then set everything up. Note that the actual Service classes can now be internal
In the Onion Architecture view: the contracts are in an inner ring, their implementations go on the outside.