I am using the rust API for dynamoDb and when building a TransactWriteItem we need to provide the name of the keys used. In previous work I used the keys item_key
and item_value
and item_partition
. What is remarkable is the name of those keys do not show up in any documentation I know, and in particular not in the above link. Where could those be found?
What I am interested in is in how to put the table name. I tried item_table_name
and other variants without success. What would be the way to put the table name?
I have never seen those values used in DynamoDB. You must have been using some other flavor of database.
Here is an example we created in Rust. More can be seen here
use dynamodb::model::{AttributeValue, Put, ReturnConsumedCapacity, TransactWriteItem};
async fn main() -> Result<(), dynamodb::Error> {
let client = dynamodb::Client::from_env();
let table_name = String::from("Music");
// put 2 items in a single transact write request
let artist1 = AttributeValue::S(String::from("No One You Know"));
let song1 = AttributeValue::S(String::from("Call Me Today"));
let album1 = AttributeValue::S(String::from("Somewhat Famous"));
let awards1 = AttributeValue::N(String::from("0"));
let released1 = AttributeValue::Bool(false);
let put1 = Put::builder()
.item(String::from("Artist"), artist1)
.item(String::from("SongTitle"), song1)
.item("AlbumTitle", album1)
.item("Awards", awards1)
.item("Released", released1)
let tx_write_1 = TransactWriteItem::builder().put(put1).build();
let artist2 = AttributeValue::S(String::from("Acme Band"));
let song2 = AttributeValue::S(String::from("Happy Day"));
let album2 = AttributeValue::S(String::from("Songs About Life"));
let awards2 = AttributeValue::N(String::from("10"));
let released2 = AttributeValue::Bool(true);
let put2 = Put::builder()
.item(String::from("Artist"), artist2)
.item(String::from("SongTitle"), song2)
.item("AlbumTitle", album2)
.item("Awards", awards2)
.item("Released", released2)
let tx_write_2 = TransactWriteItem::builder().put(put2).build();
let request = client
let resp = request.send().await?;
println!("Tx write items: {:?}", resp);