I'm trying to read in a raster file. It's a 32-bit float raster, with either values 1 or no data. I want to update the values of 1 to 10, and write it out again (probably as a UNIT8 data type?). Here is my attempt:
import rioxarray
import numpy
my_rast = rioxarray.open_rasterio("my_file.tif", masked=True, cache=False)
my_rast[numpy.where(my_rast == 1)] = 10
my_rast.rio.to_raster("output.tif", compress='lzw', num_threads='all_cpus', tiled=True,
dtype='uint8', driver="GTiff", predictor=2, windowed=True)
However the fourth line never seems to finish (maybe as it's a fairly large raster?). I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Here is the result of print(my_rast)
<xarray.DataArray (band: 1, y: 1140, x: 1053)>
[1200420 values with dtype=float64]
* band (band) int64 1
* x (x) float64 9.412 9.412 9.412 9.413 ... 9.703 9.704 9.704 9.704
* y (y) float64 47.32 47.32 47.32 47.32 ... 47.0 47.0 47.0 47.0
spatial_ref int64 0
scale_factor: 1.0
add_offset: 0.0
You can’t use a 3D positional index like this:
my_rast[numpy.where(my_rast == 1)] = 10
Instead, use xarray.DataArray.where
my_rast = my_rast.where(my_rast != 1, 10)
Indexing in xarray works slightly differently from numpy when providing array-like objects as indices - it’s worth giving the docs on Vectorized Indexing and More Advanced Indexing a read.