Let's say I want to find out the sum of one of the table from the nested subquery. Let's take the subquery given below. How to calculate the status count using DSL.sum(when(condition))
Table<Record4<Integer, Integer, String, String>> orgWiseCountTable = dsl.select(
field("master_id", Integer.class).as(masterId),
field("transaction_id", Integer.class).as(transactionId),
field("api_status", String.class).as(status),
Using the above Table record how can we calculate the sum of api_status depending on whether or not the value is COMPLETED or not.
Trying the below approach but it isn't working.
transactions = dsl.select(
orgWiseCountTable.field("SUM(status = 'COMPLETED')").as(
orgWiseCountTable.field("SUM(kyc_api_transaction_master.api_status <> 'COMPLETED')").as(
Getting Null pointer exception while calculating sum. How can this be fixed?
As I answered to your follow-up question, I don't think you really need the derived table. You'll simplify your life greatly, if you just remove it.
If your actual query is more complex than the one you've presented here, you'll have to dereference columns from your derived table like this:
// Dereference first:
Field<String> status = orgWiseCountTable.field("status", String.class);
// Alternatively, dereference using generaetd code for added convenience:
Field<String> status = orgWiseCountTable.field(THE_TABLE.STATUS);
// Then use in expressions:
Note, I'm using FILTER
instead, which is a standard SQL feature. This will be a bit more convenient to write in jOOQ, than using the MySQL specific approach of mapping booleans to integers in order to sum them. A.eq(B)
is a Condition
in jOOQ, which extends Field<Boolean>
, and you cannot really sum booleans.
This isn't necessary relevant to your question, but I highly recommend you start using jOOQ's code generator. A lot of features will be unlocked by that, and your queries will be much simpler to write.