I want to create an application like photoshop main canvas which groups layer canvases,
a listview which displays the name of the layers and a visibility button via a datatemplate of each layer added to the main canvas.
I created the class layer derived from the class convas
public class Layer : Canvas
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsVisible { get; set; }
public Layer(Canvas mainCanvas) {
// Initialize layer properties
Name = "New Layer";
IsVisible = true;
ListView Layers :
<DataTemplate x:DataType="Layer">
<TextBlock Text="{x:Bind Name, Mode=TowWay}" />
ObservableCollection ocLayers :
ObservableCollection<Layer> ocLayers = new ObservableCollection<Layer>();
ocLayers.Add(new Layer(mainCanvas){Name="AAA"});
ocLayers.Add(new Layer(mainCanvas){Name="BBB"});
listViewLayers.ItemsSource = ocLayers;
with DataTemplate DataType="Canvas" and ObservableCollection<Canvas>
if i add simple canvas Object just for testing it works
and with DataTemplate DataType="Layer" and ObservableCollection<Layer>
if i add Layer Object execution hangs
I'm not sure why your app is hangs but let mentioned that instead of "Layer is a Canvas", I suggest "Layer has a Canvas". See this post.
So, it'd be something like this:
public class Layer
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public Canvas Canvas { get; }
public Layer(Canvas canvas)
Canvas = canvas;
And add layers like this:
private void AddLayerButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
int layerId = Layers.Count + 1;
Layer newLayer = new(new Canvas())
Name = $"New Layer #{layerId}"