I want to set the log level of easy_localization in a Flutter application. I tried to do this by setting the EasyLocalization.logger.defaultLevel enum, however the enum is stored in the local Pup cache and I couldn't find a good way to import it into the file to get access to it.
I tried setting a integer value and casting to dynamic but this did not work either.
Is there a way to import this enum, or otherwise set the log level with this package?
easy_localization is using the easy_logger package to print log messages.
If you want to set the log level for easy_localization you also have to add the easy_logger package. To do so run:
flutter pub add easy_logger
Now you can import the easy_logger package and access the LevelMessages
import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart';
import 'package:easy_logger/easy_logger.dart';
void main() {
EasyLocalization.logger.defaultLevel = LevelMessages.info;