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Model summary and diagnostics for instrumental variables in R

I run instrumental variable regression (2SLS) with ivreg package.


model_iv <- ivreg(formula = mpg ~ disp + drat |
                                         drat + carb,
              data = mtcars)

As many other people, I am interested in the diagnostics (e.g. weak instruments, wu-hausman and sargan) attached to my model reporting.

summary(model_iv, diagnostics = TRUE)

Diagnostic tests:
                 df1 df2 statistic p-value   
Weak instruments   1  29     8.286 0.00743 **
Wu-Hausman         1  28    11.594 0.00202 **
Sargan             0  NA        NA      NA   
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

There is a workaround to add those to stargazer:

R: Robust SE's and model diagnostics in stargazer table

And I found the very discussion in an issue for modelsummary:

I tried the modelsummary but it seems that the feature hasn't been implemented. Is there another package for model reporting including diagnostics for instrumental variable models?


  • You can easily do this with modelsummary. Please see the detailed documentation on how to add new goodness-of-fit statistics on the website:

    There are basically 3 options.

    Option 1: add_rows

    Build your own data frame with the same number of columns as your table, and use the add_rows argument to stick it at the bottom of the table. This allows you full control, but can be tedious. It is also quite self-explanatory, so I don’t give an example here. Just see ?modelsummary.

    Option 2: metrics argument

    Behind the scenes, modelsummary extracts goodness of fit statistics using the performance package. That package supports a metrics="all" argument which sometimes return more information. In this case, we can feed metrics directly to modelsummary and get the Wu-Haussman statistic:

    model_iv <- ivreg(
        formula = mpg ~ disp + drat | drat + carb,
        data = mtcars)
    modelsummary(model_iv, metrics = "all")
    (Intercept) 51.687
    disp -0.072
    drat -4.169
    Num.Obs. 32
    R2 0.455
    R2 Adj. 0.418
    AIC 193.3
    BIC 199.2
    RMSE 4.38
    wu.hausman 11.5944242731131
    wu.hausman.p 0.00201604586133519

    Of course, you’ll probably want to format this statistic with the gof_map argument to reduce the number of digits and clean up the names.

    Option 3: glance_custom

    Finally, you can define a glance_custom.ivreg() method to extract, format, and add the statistic automatically. There is a detailed tutorial at the link I posted above, so here’s a simple example:

    glance_custom.ivreg <- function(x, ...) { # don't forget ...
        s <- summary(x)$diagnostics
        wi <- s[1, "statistic"]
        wh <- s[2, "statistic"]
            "Weak Instrument" = round(wi, 2),
            "Wu-Haussman" = round(wh, 3))
    (Intercept) 51.687
    disp -0.072
    drat -4.169
    Num.Obs. 32
    R2 0.455
    R2 Adj. 0.418
    AIC 193.3
    BIC 199.2
    RMSE 4.38
    Weak Instrument 8.29
    Wu-Haussman 11.594

    All subsequent ivreg models will automatically have this new statistic.