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How to merge multiple Room databases during migration

Problem I've two databases, mainDb and secondDb, which I need to merge into a single database during a database upgrade (migration).

Attempts I've looked into createFromAsset() which allows to import data from a database, but this only seems to work with fallbackToDestructiveMigration() enabled which would clear my mainDb when loading createFromAsset(secondDb).


  • Perhaps consider this example, noting that the answer you have given has some issues:-

    • You are not creating the table(s) from the old (if they have different tables). The answer assumes different tables, if not then you simply need to change the table names accessed and also remove the code that creates the new table.
    • You MUST have Room code to access the second database and thus would leave a mess unless another version of the App is rolled out to clean up the code. In the example bar the DATABASE2_NAME the old Room code has been done away with (commented out). It would be easy to also remove DATABSE2_NAME and hard code it in the Migration.

    The Database code (@Daos,@Databases,@Entities) for the 2 databases

    • In this case they are very similar for brevity
    • Note comments included to see what will change for the migration/merge
    • Main Thread is used for brevity


    const val DATABASE1_NAME = "db1.db"
    const val DATABASE2_NAME = "db2.db" /* Left in to make migration simpler (no hard coding BUT!!!!) */
    const val DATABASE1_VERSION = 1 /*<<<<<<<<<< CHANGED fro migration(merge) >>>>>>>>>>*/
    const val DATABASE2_VERSION = 1 /* NOT NEEDED FOR Conversion */
    /* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
    data class Table1(
        val table1Id: Long?=null,
        val table1Name: String
        // etc
    /* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
    interface DB1DAOs {
        @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
        fun insert(table1: Table1): Long
        @Query("SELECT * FROM table1")
        fun getAllFromTable1(): List<Table1>
        @Query("SELECT count(*) FROM table1")
        fun getDB1Table1RecordCount(): Long
    /* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
    data class Table2(
        val table2Id: Long?=null,
        val table2Name: String
        // etc
    /* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
    interface DB2DAOs {
        @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
        fun insert(table2: Table2): Long
        @Query("SELECT * FROM table2")
        fun getAllFromTable2(): List<Table2>
    @Database(entities = [Table1::class/*>>>>>>>>>> CHANGED TO ADD >>>>>>>>>>*//*,Table2::class*/], exportSchema = false, version = DATABASE1_VERSION)
    abstract class Database1: RoomDatabase() {
        abstract fun getDB1DAOs(): DB1DAOs
        /*<<<<<<<<<< ADDED although code from DB2DAOs could be moved into DB2DAOs >>>>>>>>>>*/
        //abstract fun getDB2DAOs(): DB2DAOs
        companion object {
            private var instance: Database1?=null
            fun getInstance(context: Context): Database1 {
                if (instance==null) {
                    val migration_From_V1_TO_V2 = object : Migration(1,2) {
                        override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
                    instance=Room.databaseBuilder(context,, DATABASE1_NAME)
                        .addMigrations(migration_From_V1_TO_V2) /* SEE BELOW for function invoked */
                return instance as Database1
            /* The migration - Frees up having the Old database Room code and
                would be a little more efficient due to additional overheads of opening Database via Room
                (no schema checking etc etc that Room undertakes )
            fun doMigration1To2(context: Context, database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
                val otherDBFile = context.getDatabasePath(DATABASE2_NAME)
                var otherDB: SQLiteDatabase? = null
                if (!otherDBFile.exists()) throw RuntimeException("Other Database not found at ${otherDBFile.path}.")
                try {
                    otherDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(
                } catch (e: Exception) {
                    throw RuntimeException("Unable to Open the Other Database ${otherDBFile}. See stack trace immediately prior to this.")
                /* Need to create the table to be added to DB1 from DB2 */
                /* SQL copied from java(generated) */
                database.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Table2` (`table2Id` INTEGER, `table2Name` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`table2Id`))")
                val csr = otherDB.query("Table2",null,null,null,null,null,null)
                val cv = ContentValues()
                while (csr.moveToNext()) {
                    for (c in csr.columnNames) {
                        when (csr.getType(csr.getColumnIndex(c))) {
                            Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB -> cv.put(c,csr.getBlob(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
                            Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT -> cv.put(c,csr.getDouble(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
                            Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER -> cv.put(c,csr.getLong(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
                            Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING -> cv.put(c,csr.getString(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
                            Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_NULL -> {} /* no-op */
                val renameOldFile = context.getDatabasePath("renamed_${DATABASE2_NAME}")
                if (renameOldFile.exists()) renameOldFile.delete()
                //otherDBFile.delete() when tested
    /* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed */
    @Database(entities = [Table2::class], exportSchema = false,version = DATABASE2_VERSION)
    abstract class Database2: RoomDatabase() {
        abstract fun getDB2DAOs(): DB2DAOs
        companion object {
            private var instance: Database2?=null
            fun getInstance(context: Context): Database2 {
                if (instance==null) {
                    instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,, DATABASE2_NAME)
                return instance as Database2

    Some Activity Code to load some data into both databases for retention :-

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        lateinit var db1: Database1
        lateinit var dao1: DB1DAOs
        lateinit var db2: Database2 /* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed */
        lateinit var dao2: DB2DAOs
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            db1 = Database1.getInstance(this)
            dao1 = db1.getDB1DAOs()
            db2 = Database2.getInstance(this)
            /* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed */
            dao2 = db2.getDB2DAOs()
            //dao2 = db1.getDB2DAOs() /*<<<<<<<<<< changed from above commented out line >>>>>>>>>>*/
            if (DATABASE1_VERSION == 1 && dao1.getDB1Table1RecordCount() < 1) {
                dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name11"))
                dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name12"))
                dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name13"))
                dao2.insert(Table2(table2Name = "DB2Name21"))
                dao2.insert(Table2(table2Name = "DB2Name22"))
            for(t1 in dao1.getAllFromTable1()) {
                Log.d("DBINFO_V${DATABASE1_VERSION}_T1","ID=${t1.table1Id} NAME=${t1.table1Name}")
            for (t2 in dao2.getAllFromTable2()) {
                Log.d("DBINFO_${DATABASE1_VERSION}_T2","ID=${t2.table2Id} NAME=${t2.table2Name}")

    When run (1 or more times due the the version/row count test):-

    The Log shows:-

    2023-02-24 00:23:17.916 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=1 NAME=DB1Name11
    2023-02-24 00:23:17.916 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=2 NAME=DB1Name12
    2023-02-24 00:23:17.916 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=3 NAME=DB1Name13
    2023-02-24 00:23:17.918 D/DBINFO_2_T2: ID=1 NAME=DB2Name21
    2023-02-24 00:23:17.918 D/DBINFO_2_T2: ID=2 NAME=DB2Name22

    App Inspection Shows:-

    enter image description here

    and also :-

    enter image description here

    The Merge

    The Database Code becomes :-

    const val DATABASE1_NAME = "db1.db"
    const val DATABASE2_NAME = "db2.db" /* Left in to make migration simpler (no hard coding BUT!!!!) */
    const val DATABASE1_VERSION = 2 /*<<<<<<<<<< CHANGED fro migration(merge) >>>>>>>>>>*/
    //const val DATABASE2_VERSION = 1 /* NOT NEEDED FOR Conversion */
    /* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
    data class Table1(
        val table1Id: Long?=null,
        val table1Name: String
        // etc
    /* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
    interface DB1DAOs {
        @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
        fun insert(table1: Table1): Long
        @Query("SELECT * FROM table1")
        fun getAllFromTable1(): List<Table1>
        @Query("SELECT count(*) FROM table1")
        fun getDB1Table1RecordCount(): Long
    /* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
    data class Table2(
        val table2Id: Long?=null,
        val table2Name: String
        // etc
    /* Unchanged for migration (merge into 1 DB) */
    interface DB2DAOs {
        @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
        fun insert(table2: Table2): Long
        @Query("SELECT * FROM table2")
        fun getAllFromTable2(): List<Table2>
    @Database(entities = [Table1::class/*>>>>>>>>>> CHANGED TO ADD >>>>>>>>>>*/,Table2::class], exportSchema = false, version = DATABASE1_VERSION)
    abstract class Database1: RoomDatabase() {
        abstract fun getDB1DAOs(): DB1DAOs
        /*<<<<<<<<<< ADDED although code from DB2DAOs could be moved into DB2DAOs >>>>>>>>>>*/
        abstract fun getDB2DAOs(): DB2DAOs
        companion object {
            private var instance: Database1?=null
            fun getInstance(context: Context): Database1 {
                if (instance==null) {
                    val migration_From_V1_TO_V2 = object : Migration(1,2) {
                        override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
                    instance=Room.databaseBuilder(context,, DATABASE1_NAME)
                        .addMigrations(migration_From_V1_TO_V2) /* SEE BELOW for function invoked */
                return instance as Database1
            /* The migration - Frees up having the Old database Room code and
                would be a little more efficient due to additional overheads of opening Database via Room
                (no schema checking etc etc that Room undertakes )
            fun doMigration1To2(context: Context, database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
                val otherDBFile = context.getDatabasePath(DATABASE2_NAME)
                var otherDB: SQLiteDatabase? = null
                if (!otherDBFile.exists()) throw RuntimeException("Other Database not found at ${otherDBFile.path}.")
                try {
                    otherDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(
                } catch (e: Exception) {
                    throw RuntimeException("Unable to Open the Other Database ${otherDBFile}. See stack trace immediately prior to this.")
                /* Need to create the table to be added to DB1 from DB2 */
                /* SQL copied from java(generated) */
                database.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Table2` (`table2Id` INTEGER, `table2Name` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`table2Id`))")
                val csr = otherDB.query("Table2",null,null,null,null,null,null)
                val cv = ContentValues()
                while (csr.moveToNext()) {
                    for (c in csr.columnNames) {
                        when (csr.getType(csr.getColumnIndex(c))) {
                            Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB -> cv.put(c,csr.getBlob(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
                            Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT -> cv.put(c,csr.getDouble(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
                            Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER -> cv.put(c,csr.getLong(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
                            Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING -> cv.put(c,csr.getString(csr.getColumnIndex(c)))
                            Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_NULL -> {} /* no-op */
                val renameOldFile = context.getDatabasePath("renamed_${DATABASE2_NAME}")
                if (renameOldFile.exists()) renameOldFile.delete()
                //otherDBFile.delete() when tested
    /* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed
    @Database(entities = [Table2::class], exportSchema = false,version = DATABASE2_VERSION)
    abstract class Database2: RoomDatabase() {
        abstract fun getDB2DAOs(): DB2DAOs
        companion object {
            private var instance: Database2?=null
            fun getInstance(context: Context): Database2 {
                if (instance==null) {
                    instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,, DATABASE2_NAME)
                return instance as Database2

    The Activity Code becomes:-

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        lateinit var db1: Database1
        lateinit var dao1: DB1DAOs
        //lateinit var db2: Database2 /* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed */
        lateinit var dao2: DB2DAOs
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            db1 = Database1.getInstance(this)
            dao1 = db1.getDB1DAOs()
            //db2 = Database2.getInstance(this)
            /* COMMENTED OUT for Migration(merge) as no longer needed */
            //dao2 = db2.getDB2DAOs()
            dao2 = db1.getDB2DAOs() /*<<<<<<<<<< changed from above commented out line >>>>>>>>>>*/
            if (DATABASE1_VERSION == 1 && dao1.getDB1Table1RecordCount() < 1) {
                dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name11"))
                dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name12"))
                dao1.insert(Table1(table1Name = "DB1Name13"))
                dao2.insert(Table2(table2Name = "DB2Name21"))
                dao2.insert(Table2(table2Name = "DB2Name22"))
            for(t1 in dao1.getAllFromTable1()) {
                Log.d("DBINFO_V${DATABASE1_VERSION}_T1","ID=${t1.table1Id} NAME=${t1.table1Name}")
            for (t2 in dao2.getAllFromTable2()) {
                Log.d("DBINFO_${DATABASE1_VERSION}_T2","ID=${t2.table2Id} NAME=${t2.table2Name}")
    • Note rather then cleaned up the old code has been commented out

    Merged Results*

    The Log :-

    2023-02-24 00:52:05.617 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=1 NAME=DB1Name11
    2023-02-24 00:52:05.617 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=2 NAME=DB1Name12
    2023-02-24 00:52:05.617 D/DBINFO_V2_T1: ID=3 NAME=DB1Name13
    2023-02-24 00:52:05.621 D/DBINFO_2_T2: ID=1 NAME=DB2Name21
    2023-02-24 00:52:05.621 D/DBINFO_2_T2: ID=2 NAME=DB2Name22

    i.e. ALL data retained

    And via App Inspection:-

    enter image description here


    enter image description here

    • note sure why App Inspection is showing db2.db. However Device Explorer shows, that it isn't there as a file (might be some sort of caching in App Inspection) :-

    enter image description here