i'm trying to update a variable on the status of a HTMLInputElement, but the watch method doesn't react on a change from the input field.
const input = ref<HTMLInputElement | null>(null)
const filename = ref("Foo")
watch(() => input.value?.files, (first) => {
console.log(input.value?.files?.item(0)?.name, filename.value, first)
{{ filename }}
<input type="file" class="hidden" ref="input"/>
I tried to use a computed property and to use watchEffect()
but both didn't work.
This is not how reactivity works in Vue. The ref to a DOM element does not trigger a watch. I suggest to use a change handler:
<script setup>
const fileName = ref("Foo");
const handleFileChange = (e) => {
if (e.target.files && e.target.files[0]) {
fileName.value = e.target.files[0].name;
{{ filename }}
<input type="file" class="hidden" @change="handleFileChange($event)"/>