My company maintains two SVN repositories, Repository 1 and Repository 2:
We have some code in a folder in Repository 1 that we would like to be downloaded to users of Repository 2. The obvious answer is to use SVN Externals, but as far as I can see, that would need the client's developers to have accounts on our domain, and our IT people don't like that.
Therefore, the only solution I can see is some kind of cron job that runs periodically to copy the necessary files from Repository 1 to 2. I've found a tool called Tailor which claims to do what I need, but so far I've not managed to get it to work correctly.
Before I spend more time trying to get Tailor to work, does anyone have any suggestions of another approach? My last resort is to knock up a program to do it for me, which shouldn't be too hard, but it's always best to use an existing app if there is one!
Thanks in advance for any help/pointers!
If SVN externals would work, but the only stumbling block is access rights, then why not make a clone of the repository and point the externals to that?
SVN now has good support for mirroring:
You can lock down the mirror repository using any authentication scheme you like, for example, anonymous read-only access.
However, you need to ensure that the only thing that updates the mirror is the svn sync command - the users of repository 2 won't be able to commit changes back to repository 1.
This page has some very useful information: