I would like to calculate the total number of users that uses my application each year. both new and returning users.
I created this script below but it only shows total number of users for only 1 year. I would like to see the total for the years before (<= 2010-12-31). also note the years before can be more that 3.
SELECT '2010-12-31' as date, count(*) as year
FROM users AS c
WHERE FORMAT(c.first_joined, 'yyyyMMdd') <= '2010-12-31 '
AND status = 'ACTIVE'
first_joined: this is the date the user first entered the system total: this is the total of both new and returning users
date | total |
2010-12-31 | 8,617 |
Expected results will providing a running total of previous and current years:
date | total |
2007-12-31 (1,000 joined in 2007) | 1,000 |
2008-12-31 (200 joined in 2008) | 1,200 |
2009-12-31 (1,000 joined in 2009) | 2,200 |
2010-12-31 (6,417 joined in 2010) | 8,617 |
You can use group by operator with DATEPART() function and then use window function to get the data you wants.
see the following code as example:
WITH yearly_new_data AS (
DATEPART(year,c.first_joined) as dt,
count(*) as total
FROM users AS c
WHERE c.first_joined < CAST('20110101' AS DATE)
AND status = 'ACTIVE'
SUM(TOTAL) OVER (order by dt) AS total