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How can I build tailwindcss + daisyUI CSS files?

  1. Installed tailwindcss and tailwindcss/typography plugin with: npm install tailwindcss@latest and npm install -D @tailwindcss/typography.

  2. Installed daisyUI with: npm i daisyui

  3. Created tailwind.config.js manually:

module.exports = {
  content: [],
  theme: {
    extend: {},

  plugins: [require("@tailwindcss/typography"), require(getDaisyUI())],

  daisyui: {
  styled: true,
  themes: true,
  base: true,
  utils: true,
  logs: true,
  rtl: false,
  prefix: "",
  darkTheme: "dark",

function getDaisyUI() {
  return "daisyui";
  1. Building main.css file with: npx tailwindcss -c tailwind.config.js -i ./static/src/style.css -o ./static/css/main.css

This is the output of stdout:

byt3magic@MacBook-Pro project % npx tailwindcss -c tailwind.config.js -i ./static/src/style.css -o ./static/css/main.css


🌼 daisyUI components 2.50.2
  ✔︎ Including:  base, components, 29 themes, utilities
  ❤︎ Support daisyUI: 

warn - No utility classes were detected in your source files. If this is unexpected, double-check the `content` option in your Tailwind CSS configuration.
warn -

Done in 428ms.
  1. I checked the main.css file and daisyUI is missing. This is the main.css file that was built:

The content of main.css was too large to post here. This paste never expires.

How can I build the css files with daisyUI included?

I tried clearing the npm cache, deleting node_modules folder and reinstalling all packages. I still have the same issue. I didn't get any errors during the building process.



    module.exports = {
      content: [
      // ...

    The solution is to define content in tailwind.config.js. Define all the folders where you use files that use tailwind classes.