I have created a fulltext index
in mysql
I configured the index by song name, but the song title consisting only of special characters cannot be searched.
music[table] - title[column] is indexed, settings innodb_ft_min_token_size
= 1, stopword
is disabled.
If the song name is '$$$'.
select * from music where match(title) against('$$$' in boolean mode);
select * from music where match(title) against('"$$$"' in boolean mode);
select * from music where match(title) against('+$$$*' in boolean mode);
None of the above codes work, and even just one $ gives the same result. (numbers, English have been confirmed to operate normally.)
I have a question because I don't know which setting to change after this..!
As $
is not considered by MySQL a word character, it is not being added to the index and therefore cannot be used for fulltext search. In this case you do not have the option to search without symbols, which worked for my data. I can see these other possibilities:
select * from music where title LIKE '%$$$%'
to word characters as detailed in this answer