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When executing assembler code, the error "this interrupt is not defined yet" occurs

When I run the written code, the error "this interrupt is not defined yet, it is availabe for custom functions. you can define this interrupt by modifying interrupt vector table refer to the list of supported interrupts and global memory table" occurs when initializing the array

This code was run in emu8086:

.model tiny 
ORG 100h
JMP start
   MOV   AH,9          ; output message0
   MOV   DX, offset mess0                                           
   INT   21h
   MOV   DI, offset buff       ; we will write STOSB in DI      
   MOV   BX,4          ; line counter
   MOV   DX,4          ; number counter in line
create:         ;<=====; start input and save ================//
   MOV   CX,2          ; limit the number to 2 characters
   DEC   DX            ; decrement the number counter
   MOV   AH,1          ; input
   INT   21h
   STOSB               ; store the first character in DI
   LOOP  @1            ; ..followed by the second.
   MOV   AL,' '        ; space/separator
   INT   29h
   STOSB               ; its too in DI..
   OR    DX,DX         ; is it the last number in the line?
   JNZ   create        ; no - fill in the line further
   MOV   AH,9          ; line ended.
   MOV   DX,offset crlf       ; new line!                     
   INT   21h
   DEC   BX            ; decrement the line count
   OR    BX,BX         ; is it last line?
   JZ    next          ; yes - exit the input loop
   MOV   DX,4          ; restore the number of numbers in a string
   JMP   create        ; fill in the next line of the array
next:           ;<=====; display the result on the screen ================//
   MOV   AH,9         
   MOV   DX, offset mess1                                                
   INT   21h
   MOV   CX,4          ; how many pairs of digits to output
   MOV   SI, offset buff       ; source - buffer                        
   LODSB               ; read the first character
   INT   29h           ; display it on the screen
   LODSB               ; second character..
   INT   29h
   LODSB               ; take a space
   INT   29h
   ADD   SI,12         ; move the pointer to 4 triads of characters
   LOOP  print         ; loop until CX > 0
exit:                  ; exit
   XOR   AX,AX
   INT   16h
   INT   20h
mess0  DB  'CREATE ARRAY...',13,10
       DB  '====================',13,10,'$'
mess1  DB  '====================',13,10
       DB  'RESULT: $'
crlf   DB  13,10,'$'
buff   DB  80 DUP(0)   
end begin

enter image description here There is a page of problem


  • You're trying to use an interrupt that is not implemented by the emulator:

    You may need to extend the emulator with support for int 29h or ask the emulator developers for help in extending it. Alternatively you can change the calls to int 29h to int 21h, service 02:


        mov dl,'A'    ; write 'A' to std out
        int 21h