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GEKKO throws Inequality Definition error in model without inequalities

I am trying to use GEKKO to solve a dynamic parameter identification problem. For context it is a CSTR producing biodiesel in which I am trying to find the average reaction rate.

x[3] is the biodiesel fraction on the reactor output that I am trying to fit to ymeas that come from lab measurements. u is a matrix with the measurements of four load variables.

Given the following formaulation:

import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t = np.arange(0, 36000, 3600)

ymeas = np.array([0.429, 0.429, 0.427, 0.429, 0.428, 0.429, 0.429, 0.428,  0.428, 0.429])

u = np.array([
    [2996.9, 2989.4, 2997.0, 3005.6, 3001.7, 2988.8, 2986.6, 3005.5, 2993.9, 2994.0,],
    [656.9, 656.8, 657.7, 658.8, 657.3, 660.2, 659.5, 662.0, 659.7, 659.0,],
    [333.1, 334.1, 332.6, 333.6, 331.0, 330.9, 331.0, 330.8, 331.7, 331.3,],
    [323.2, 324.2, 324.9, 325.9, 326.9, 327.11, 327.6, 327.6, 327.4, 326.8],


m = GEKKO(remote=False)    # create GEKKO model

m.time = t # time points

M = np.array([0.853, 0.032, 0.092, 0.286,])
ro = np.array([954.0, 757.0, 1340.0, 844.0,])
cp = np.array([2110.0, 2785.0, 2556.0, 2146.0,])
xo = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0,])
xm = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0,])
vmol = M / ro
cpmol = cp * M

# create GEKKO constants
nc = 4
Mo = m.Const(value=0.853)
Mm = m.Const(value=0.032)
cpmolo = m.Const(value=cpmol[0])
cpmolm = m.Const(value=cpmol[1])
VR = m.Const(20)
dHr = m.Const(-6309)

# create GEKKO parameter
r = m.FV(value=par0)

u0 = m.Param(value=u[0, :])
u1 = m.Param(value=u[1, :])
u2 = m.Param(value=u[2, :])
u3 = m.Param(value=u[3, :])

# create GEKKO variables
x = m.Array(m.Var, 4)
x[0].value = 0.0031
x[1].value = 0.4235
x[2].value = 0.1432
x[3] = m.CV(value=ymeas)
x[3].FSTATUS = 1
T = m.Var(333.5500)

rx = [-r, -3*r, r, 3*r,]

# create GEKKO equations
To = u2
Tm = u3
No = m.Intermediate(u0/Mo/3600)
Nm =  m.Intermediate(u1/Mm/3600)
cpmolR = m.Intermediate(np.sum(x * cpmol))
nR = m.Intermediate(VR / np.sum(vmol * x))

m.Equation(nR*x[i].dt() == Nm*(xm[i] - x[i]) + No*(xo[i] - x[i]) + rx[i]*VR for i in range(nc))
m.Equation(nR*cpmolR*T.dt() == Nm*cpmolm*(Tm - T) + No*cpmolo*(To - T) + VR*(-dHr)*r)

# solve ODE
r.STATUS = 1
m.options.IMODE = 5 # dynamic estimation
m.options.NODES = 3 # collocation nodes

print('Parameter identification: done!')

I get the following error:

Exception: @error: Inequality Definition
 invalid inequalities: z > x < y

I can't think of a way to fix this, because I did not define inequalities.

Anyone has ideas to fix this and get the solver to find r?

I tried create x[3] as an independent y and append to the x array but got a shape error in Intermediate equation cpmolR = m.Intermediate(np.sum(x * cpmol)).


  • Use m.open_folder() and open the gk_model0.apm model file with a text editor. It shows that a generator is used for the 2nd-to-last equation.

        <generator object <genexpr> at 0x7f9adc07bc10>
    End Equations

    Use square brackets to make it a list of equations:

    m.Equation([nR*x[i].dt() == Nm*(xm[i] - x[i]) \
                              + No*(xo[i] - x[i]) \
                              + rx[i]*VR \
                for i in range(nc)])

    There were a few other issues with the syntax that are resolved with this script:

    import numpy as np
    from gekko import GEKKO
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    t = np.arange(0, 36000, 3600)
    ymeas = np.array([0.429, 0.429, 0.427, 0.429, 0.428, 0.429, 0.429, 0.428,  0.428, 0.429])
    u = np.array([
        [2996.9, 2989.4, 2997.0, 3005.6, 3001.7, 2988.8, 2986.6, 3005.5, 2993.9, 2994.0,],
        [656.9, 656.8, 657.7, 658.8, 657.3, 660.2, 659.5, 662.0, 659.7, 659.0,],
        [333.1, 334.1, 332.6, 333.6, 331.0, 330.9, 331.0, 330.8, 331.7, 331.3,],
        [323.2, 324.2, 324.9, 325.9, 326.9, 327.11, 327.6, 327.6, 327.4, 326.8]])
    m = GEKKO(remote=False)    # create GEKKO model
    m.time = t # time points
    M = np.array([0.853, 0.032, 0.092, 0.286])
    ro = np.array([954.0, 757.0, 1340.0, 844.0])
    cp = np.array([2110.0, 2785.0, 2556.0, 2146.0])
    xo = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])
    xm = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0])
    vmol = M / ro
    cpmol = cp * M
    # create GEKKO constants
    nc = 4
    Mo = 0.853
    Mm = 0.032
    cpmolo = cpmol[0]
    cpmolm = cpmol[1]
    VR = 20
    dHr = -6309
    # create GEKKO parameter
    r = m.FV(value=par0)
    u0 = m.Param(value=u[0, :])
    u1 = m.Param(value=u[1, :])
    u2 = m.Param(value=u[2, :])
    u3 = m.Param(value=u[3, :])
    # create GEKKO variables
    x = np.array([None]*4)
    x[0] = m.Var(0.0031)
    x[1] = m.Var(0.4235)
    x[2] = m.Var(0.1432)
    x[3] = m.Var(0.429)
    y = m.Param(ymeas)
    T = m.Var(333.5500)
    rx = [-r, -3*r, r, 3*r,]
    # create GEKKO equations
    To = u2
    Tm = u3
    No = m.Intermediate(u0/Mo/3600)
    Nm =  m.Intermediate(u1/Mm/3600)
    cpmolR = m.Intermediate(np.sum(x * cpmol))
    nR = m.Intermediate(VR / np.sum(vmol * x))
    m.Equations([nR*x[i].dt() == Nm*(xm[i] - x[i]) + No*(xo[i] - x[i]) + rx[i]*VR for i in range(nc)])
    m.Equation(nR*cpmolR*T.dt() == Nm*cpmolm*(Tm - T) + No*cpmolo*(To - T) + VR*(-dHr)*r)
    # minimize sum of squared errors
    # solve ODE
    r.STATUS = 1
    m.options.IMODE = 5 # dynamic estimation
    m.options.NODES = 3 # collocation nodes
    print('Parameter identification: done!')

    This produces a successful solution:

     Dynamic Estimation with APOPT Solver
     Iter    Objective  Convergence
        0  1.65358E-05  2.02852E-03
        1  1.19327E-05  1.09210E-07
        2  1.18844E-05  3.12011E-10
        3  1.18844E-05  2.64239E-12
        4  1.18844E-05  2.64239E-12
     Successful solution
     Solver         :  IPOPT (v3.12)
     Solution time  :   1.279999999678694E-002 sec
     Objective      :   1.188444178924983E-005
     Successful solution