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C# Combine expressions from two others using a different property for each of them


  • Three classes: MetaParticipant, MetaMovie and MetaPerson
  • A MetaParticipant has one MetaMovie and one MetaPerson

To fix an issue, I created a IsEqual static method in all three.

For the independent ones MetaMovie and MetaPerson, I used (MetaPerson has the same except with its class instead):

public static System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<MetaMovie, bool>> IsEqual(MetaMovie other)
    if (other.Id > 0) return m => other.Id == m.Id; // Using '> 0' so it skips the new ones in change tracker to the next identifier

    return m => other.MetaSource == m.MetaSource && other.ExternalId == m.ExternalId;

So, I would like to write the MetaParticipant.IsEqual method, but ain't able to figure out how.

This method will receive a MetaParticipant that can use its MetaMovie and MetaPerson to call the others.


Here is the MetaParticipant.Equals that IsEqual shall "replace":

public override bool Equals(object obj)
    if (obj == null) return false;
    if (base.Equals(obj)) return true;
    if (obj is not MetaParticipant other) return false;

    return Movie.Equals(other.Movie) && Person.Equals(other.Person) && JobTitle == other.JobTitle;

And where I am up to for IsEqual:

public static Expression<Func<MetaParticipant, bool>> IsEqual(MetaParticipant other)
    //var own = new Expression<Func<MetaParticipant, bool>() { return x => x.JobTitle == other.JobTitle; };

    var mm = MetaMovie.IsEqual(other.Movie);
    var mp = MetaPerson.IsEqual(other.Person);

    var body = Expression.AndAlso(
        Expression.Invoke(mm, Expression.Parameter(other.Movie.GetType(), "mm")),
        Expression.Invoke(mp, Expression.Parameter(other.Person.GetType(), "mp"))
    //body = Expression.AndAlso(body, );

    var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<MetaParticipant, bool>>(body, Expression.Parameter(typeof(MetaParticipant)));
    return lambda;
    //return m => Expression.Invoke(mm, Expression.Variable(m.Movie.GetType())) && m.JobTitle == other.JobTitle;

Sorry, there is a bit of garbage I kept so you can see some tries I did.


  • With the help of @NetMage and someone else in another question (but unfortunately he deleted his answer), I figured out how to do it.

    With .NET 7.0, I can use the class ReplacingExpressionVisitor to change both expressions to use the accordingly property.

    public static Expression<Func<MetaParticipant, bool>> IsEqual(MetaParticipant other)
        var participantParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(MetaParticipant), "m");
        var movieExpression = MetaMovie.IsEqual(other.Movie);
        var movieParamReplacer = new ReplacingExpressionVisitor(new[] { movieExpression.Parameters[0] }, new[] { Expression.Property(participantParam, nameof(Movie)) });
        var personExpression = MetaPerson.IsEqual(other.Person);
        var personParamReplacer = new ReplacingExpressionVisitor(new[] { personExpression.Parameters[0] }, new[] { Expression.Property(participantParam, nameof(Person)) });
        var jobTitleProperty = Expression.Property(participantParam, nameof(JobTitle));
        var otherJobTitle = Expression.Constant(other.JobTitle);
        var jobTitle = Expression.Equal(jobTitleProperty, otherJobTitle);
        var newBody = Expression.AndAlso(movieParamReplacer.Visit(movieExpression.Body), personParamReplacer.Visit(personExpression.Body));
        newBody = Expression.AndAlso(newBody, jobTitle);
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<MetaParticipant, bool>>(newBody, participantParam);
        return lambda;