I have a number of csv files that I would like to read, remove the empty columns and rewrite each to a separate file.
So far in Jupyter Notebook I can do this for a single file without any problems:
from pandas.io.parsers import read_csv
data = read_csv('C:\\Users\\tom\\Desktop\\plugs\\20_80-1_plugs.csv')
filtered_data = data.dropna(axis='columns', how='all')
filtered_data.to_csv('C:\\Users\\tom\\Desktop\\plugs\\20_80-1_plugs_modify.csv'), index=False)
Can anyone help with extending this to read in the next csv file in the folder, and write with the same name as the input (say with _modify in the file name). The folder will comprise of files such as:
If you want to edit all the files in the folder you can do
import os
import pandas as pd
root_folder = 'C:\\Users\\tom\\Desktop\\plugs\\'
for file in os.listdir(root_folder):
data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root_folder, file))
filtered_data = data.dropna(axis='columns', how='all')
new_name = file.replace('.csv', '_modified.csv')
filtered_data.to_csv(os.path.join(root_folder, new_name), index=False)
Basically what you are doing is looping over all file files in the directory, copying the data, doing the operations you want and then saving the data to the same location but replacing .csv
with _modified.csv
(to add the modified tag as you requested)