I created a custom entity with definition, collection, migration, etc. It is called tickets. I also created a customer extension to have a relation one too many
(One customer can have multiple tickets but the ticket can have only one owner - customer).
(new OneToManyAssociationField(
->addFlags(new CascadeDelete())
Now I want to create a custom rule and everything goes well but how can I get the data from the custom collection? I can't inject a service into the rule and according to the documentation, I should stick with the data provided by scope. My question is how can I get those data in the match method?
public function match(RuleScope $scope): bool {
returns null.
In the command, I can do a similar thing and when I do association with the criteria everything works but in the match method I can not do things like this.
I also checked and in the rest of the associations, there is an option autoload
but not in OneToMany
Please can you help me?
You need to manually add the association when the entities are loaded, as OneToManyAssociationField
does not support auto-loading. If you want to do this globally you can subscribe to EntitySearchedEvent
and add the association to the criteria. This should make the extension available globally.
class EntitySearchSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
EntitySearchedEvent::class => 'onEntitySearch',
public function onEntitySearch(EntitySearchedEvent $event): void
if ($event->getDefinition()->getEntityName() !== CustomerDefinition::ENTITY_NAME) {