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How to create a new line above one being catched?

I have this


I need to do a first step of refactoring


Can rector create a new line above the one being considered? If yes, how ?


  • Found !

    asking node collector to add a new node before the one being parsed, actually is smart enough to appende into a new line before the line containing the node being parsed !

    public function refactor(Node $node)
        if (!$this->isName($node->name, 'strtotime')) {
            return null;
        if (!isset($node->args)) {
            return null;
        if (count($node->args) != 1) {
            return null;
        $arg_0 = $node->args[0];
        if (!$arg_0->value instanceof FuncCall) {
            // echo "Arg 0 value is not a FuncCall :" . PHP_EOL . get_class($arg_0) . PHP_EOL;
            return null;
        $internal_func_call = $arg_0->value;
        if (!$this->isName($internal_func_call, 'mysql_result')) {
            return null;
        $new_argo_0 =  new Arg(
            new Variable('date_as_string')
        $node->args[0] = $new_argo_0;
        $date_str_variable = new Variable('date_as_string');
        $new_assign_node = new Assign($date_str_variable, $internal_func_call);
        return $node;