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Running parallel uploads with multiple users using jmeter

I have a jmx script which makes jsch connection and upload files in parallel using ultimate thread group with one user with below configuration and provide output as well

Ultimate Thread Group

Start Thread count - 5 Start up delay - 600 secs Hold load for - 1800 secs

JSR223 Sampler

import com.jcraft.jsch.*;

class Monitor implements SftpProgressMonitor{
//Progress monitoring code

def jsch = new Jsch()
def session = jsch.getSession("xyz", "xyz", "xyz")
def sftpSession = session.connect()
def channel = session.openChannel("sftp")
def channelSftp = (ChannelSftp)channel;"xyz");
def f1 = new File("Test.txt");
channelSftp.put(new, f1.getName()+Math.random(), new Monitor(SampleResult));

Now is there any way to do the same thing with multiple different users taking some thread out of ultimate start thread count instead for only 1 user taking all threads like running 5 different users concurrently taking 2 threads out of 10 start threads?


  • Normally people use CSV Data Set Config for parameterization, if you create a CSV file named users.csv looking like:


    and add it to your JSR223 Sampler like this:

    enter image description here

    once you change this line:

    def session = jsch.getSession("xyz", "xyz", "xyz")

    to this one:

    def session = jsch.getSession(vars.get("username"), "xyz", "xyz")

    each JMeter thread (virtual user) on each iteration will take the next line from the CSV file and send the new username.

    In the above example vars stands for JMeterVariables class instance, see Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy for more information on this and other JMeter API shorthands available for the JSR223 Test Elements.

    Also there is jmeter-ssh-sampler plugin which adds SSH and SFTP protocols support to JMeter so you won't have to write the code and will be able to use GUI