I want to extract the task name and config corresponding to each task into new variable.
The code that I have shared is not giving me the desired output. Although it is extracting some info but it is not able to extract all the required details.
Here is the json:
old = {
"tasks": [
"task_group_id": "Task_group_1",
"branch": [
"task_id": "Task_Name_1",
"code_file_path": "tasks/base_creation/final_base_logic.hql",
"language": "hive",
"config": {
"k1": "v1",
"sequence": 1,
"condition": "in_start_date in range [2021-10-01 , 2023-11-04]"
"default": {
"task_id": "Task_group_1_default",
"code_file_path": "tasks/base_creation/default_base_logic.hql",
"language": "hive",
"config": {}
"task_group_id": "Task_group_2",
"branch": [
"task_id": "Task_Name_2",
"code_file_path": "tasks/variables_creation/final_cas_logic.py",
"language": "pyspark",
"config": {
"k2": "v2"
"sequence": 1,
"condition": "in_start_date in range [2022-02-01 , 2023-11-04]"
"task_id": "Task_Name_3",
"code_file_path": "tasks/variables_creation/final_sor_logic.py",
"language": "pyspark",
"config": {
"k3": "v3"
"sequence": 2,
"condition": "in_start_date in range [2021-10-01 , 2022-01-31]"
"default": {
"task_id": "Task_group_2_default",
"code_file_path": "tasks/variables_creation/default_variables_logic.py",
"language": "pyspark",
"config": {}
"dependencies": " ['task_group_id_01_Name >> task_group_id_02_Name']"
Here is my code for extracting the info:
o_mod = []
for grp in range(len(old['tasks'])):
for task_id in range(len(old['tasks'][grp]['branch'])):
o_mod[grp]['task_id'] = old['tasks'][grp]['branch'][task_id]['task_id']
o_mod[grp]['config'] = old['tasks'][grp]['branch'][task_id]['config']
Here is the output which is wrong:
[{'task_id': 'Task_Name_1', 'config': {'k1': 'v1', 'Q1': 'W1'}},
{'task_id': 'Task_Name_3', 'config': {'k3': 'v3'}},
I want output to look like this (Correct output):
[{'task_id': 'Task_Name_1', 'config': {'k1': 'v1', 'Q1': 'W1'}},
{'task_id': 'Task_Name_2', 'config': {'k2': 'v2'}},
{'task_id': 'Task_Name_3', 'config': {'k3': 'v3'}}}]
You could use a nested list comprehension over tasks
and branch
o_mod = [ { 'task_id' : b['task_id'], 'config' : b['config'] } for t in old['tasks'] for b in t['branch'] ]
"task_id": "Task_Name_1",
"config": {
"k1": "v1",
"Q1": "W1"
"task_id": "Task_Name_2",
"config": {
"k2": "v2"
"task_id": "Task_Name_3",
"config": {
"k3": "v3"