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DBeaver run AS400 CL commands

I connect to an AS400 database using DBeaver and ODBC, it lets me run CRUD operations better than the 5250 Emulator. Is there a way to run from DBeaver command lines like WRKUSRPRF or CHGUSRPRF?


  • You can't use commands that start with WRK without a 5250 session, some will run and produce a list of elements as a spooled file but many will just refuse to run.

    You can run a command in any SQL client using QSYS2.QCMDEXC stored procedure or function

    IBM i Services provide views, procedures and functions you can use to retrieve information about the system and make some changes (see CHANGE_USER_PROFILE)

    If you use IBM i Access - Client Solutions maybe the "run SQL scripts" option is installed. It provides a cl:<command> syntax and can prompt statement

    If what you want is more "modern" interface then you can use IBM Navigator for i depending on version and PTF installed on your server. Check http://<your server>:2001