I have 2 files, main.py
and app.py
import _thread
import time
def launch(thread_name):
h = Hello()
def input_reader(thread_name):
global should_say_bye
should_say_bye = False
x = input()
if x.lower() == "q":
# Should run the say_bye() function from the Hello class. But using the same instance of the hello class from the launch() function
should_say_bye = True
print("Programming is about to quit.")
_thread.start_new_thread(launch, ("App",))
_thread.start_new_thread(input_reader, ("Input_Reader",))
while 1:
import time
class Hello:
def __init(self):
def say_hello(self):
i = 0
while True:
print(f"Hello {i}")
i += 1
if should_say_bye = True:
should_say_bye = False
def say_bye(self):
Basically I have 2 threads. One that runs the function launch()
and one that listens to the console input (input_reader()
). When it sees the the input q
it should run the say_bye()
function but ensuring its the same class instance as the h
variable in the launch()
function. I tried using a global variable should_say_bye
so when q
is detected it changes the global variable but that variable isn't defined in Hello
My goal is, run 1 thread with launch()
and one thread with input_reader()
. When input_reader()
detects q
it manipulates launch()
but also the functions launch()
is running side it like say_hello()
How can I do this?
I would not use globals due as they are highly unrecommended. Consider using a Pipe().
import _thread
import time
from multiprocessing import Pipe
class Hello():
def __init(self):
def say_hello(self,p1):
i = 0
while True:
print(f"Hello {i}")
i += 1
check_pipe = p1.poll(0) #Checking pipe for stuff
if check_pipe: #If there is something
stuff = p1.recv() #We get it out
if stuff == "q": #If it meets our conditio
self.say_bye()# we say bye
break # and exit our loop?
def say_bye(self):
def launch(thread_name,pipe_output,kill_pipe):
h = Hello()
kill_pipe.send("kill") #You could pass the kill_pipe deeper
kill_pipe.close() #Just formal closing.
def input_reader(thread_name,pipe_input):
while True:
x = input()
if x.lower() == "q":
pipe_input.send("q") #we put the input to the pipe
print("Programming is about to quit.")
pipe_input.close() #we close the pipe
if __name__=="__main__": #Standard main block
parent, child = Pipe() #initialize connection between input thread and launch
parent2, child2 = Pipe() #Initialize launch and kill command so no infinite loops.
_thread.start_new_thread(launch, ("App",child,parent2)) #Simply pass the pipe connections
_thread.start_new_thread(input_reader, ("Input_Reader",parent,))
while True:
check_kill = child2.poll(0) #Polling to see if the pipe has anything
if check_kill: #Dont bother checking because pipe will only have kill command in it.
print("ending program")
This would work even if they are separate files as you can simply import Hello and pass the pipe connections to them.