if (binarybtn.Checked == true)
int decVal = 0, baseVal = 1, rem;
binarytxtbox.Text = textBox1.Text;
int input = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
while (input > 0)
rem = input % 10;
decVal = decVal + rem * baseVal;
input = input / 10;
baseVal = baseVal * 2;
decimaltxtbox.Text = Convert.ToString(decVal);
I tried using the input function, but it does not accept strings "."
If I've understood you right, you have a binary number with a fractional part, like
10.1 (binary)
and you want to convert it into a corresponding decimal number, in the case above it is
2.5 (decimal)
If it's your task, you can use
private static decimal BinaryToDecimal(string value, char decimalSeparator = '.') {
value = value.Trim();
int sign = value.StartsWith('-') ? -1 : 1;
value = value.Trim('-');
int index = value.IndexOf(decimalSeparator);
string integerPart = index >= 0 ? value.Substring(0, index) : value;
decimal result = string.IsNullOrEmpty(integerPart)
? 0
: Convert.ToInt64(integerPart, 2);
string fractionalPart = index >= 0 ? value.Substring(index + 1) : "";
for (int i = 0; i < fractionalPart.Length; ++i)
result += (decimal)(fractionalPart[i] - '0') / (1L << (i + 1));
return sign * result;
decimaltxtbox.Text = $"{BinaryToDecimal(binarytxtbox.Text)}";
using System.Linq;
string[] tests = {
".", // <- It seems, you treat it as a valid input
string report = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, tests
.Select(test => $"{test,10} => {BinaryToDecimal(test)}"));
0 => 0
-0 => 0
100 => 4
-100 => -4
10. => 2
-10. => -2
1.1 => 1.5
101.101 => 5.625
-101.101 => -5.625
.1011 => 0.6875
-.11011 => -0.84375
100.00 => 4
. => 0
If you are looking for reverse (i.e. from decimal to binary) conversion, have a look at