I have this code which I'm using to put secrets in AWS secrets manager
class SecretsManagerSecret:
"""Encapsulates Secrets Manager functions."""
def __init__(self, env):
:param env: Environment on which DAG is running
self.secretsmanager_client = boto3.client("secretsmanager", region_name="us-east-1")
self.env = env
self.name = None
def put_value(self, secret_value, stages=None):
if self.name is None:
raise ValueError("Secret Name/Path not defined")
kwargs = {'SecretId': self.name}
if isinstance(secret_value, str):
kwargs['SecretString'] = secret_value
elif isinstance(secret_value, bytes):
kwargs['SecretBinary'] = secret_value
if stages is not None:
kwargs['VersionStages'] = stages
response = self.secretsmanager_client.put_secret_value(**kwargs)
logger.info("Value put in secret %s.", self.name)
except ClientError:
logger.exception("Couldn't put value in secret %s.", self.name)
return response
secret_obj = SecretsManagerSecret("dev")
# Path of secret where multiple key value pair exists
secret_obj.name = "applications/keys/data_pipelines"
# This overwrites existing key value pairs and writes this
The issue here is when I call put_value method, it replaces all the existing key value pairs in path applications/keys/data_pipelines
and writes '{"test":"test1235"}'
. Is there any existing function in boto3 which can append rather than replacing it?
What if you use the update_secret method from the boto3 client for secrets_manager
client = session.client(service_name="secretsmanager")
# get the secret value first
existing_secret = client.get_secret_value(SecretId="secret_id")
# then update it with your new value
updated_secret = existing_secret.update({"UPDATE_KEY": "update_value"})
client.update_secret(SecretId="secret_id", SecretString=json.dumps(updated_secret))