if co is None:
address = **Contract**.objects.filter(address= servicesearch)
except Contract.DoesNotExist:
address= None
for add in address:
co = add.contractservices_set.all()
the first query yields <QuerySet [<Contract: Contract object (52)>, <Contract: Contract object (55)>]>
the second query yields <QuerySet [<Contractservices: Contractservices object (88)>, <Contractservices: Contractservices object (89)>, <Contractservices: Contractservices object (90)>, <Contractservices: Contractservices object (91)>]> <QuerySet [<Contractservices: Contractservices object (98)>, <Contractservices: Contractservices object (101)>, <Contractservices: Contractservices object (102)>, <Contractservices: Contractservices object (99)>, <Contractservices: Contractservices object (103)>, <Contractservices: Contractservices object (100)>, <Contractservices: Contractservices object (104)>]>
All Good....
However, when I am trying to render the results its only showing the **contract **objects of 55. I want to show both **contract **objects 52 and 55. please help...
my paginator view is..
paginator = Paginator(co,8)
if request.GET.get('page') == None:
page_number = 1
page_number =request.GET.get('page')
totalpage =DataFinal.paginator.num_pages
I cant change the template as it is just one search criteria among many..
your text
You have set only co
in the paginated result.
You have to set only one query for getting Contract with ContractServices attached together:
address = Contract.objects.filter(address=servicesearch)
address = address.prefetch_related("contractservices_set")
paginator = Paginator(address, 8)
if request.GET.get('page') == None:
page_number = 1
page_number =request.GET.get('page')
DataFinal = paginator.get_page(page_number)
# in the html
{% for address in DataFinal %}
{% for service in address.contractservices_set.all %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}