var query = Session.QueryOver(() => districtalias).Left.JoinAlias(x => x.DfSystemCityId, () => cityalias).Where(y => y.DistrictName == name)
Select(y => y.DistrictName)
IList<GetDfSystemCityDistrict> model = query.ToList();
return model;
I get an error when I want to list the query and cast it in the model.
Ceyhan is my data, GetDfSystemCityDistrict model i want to cast
The select must be before the transformer. Also took the guess that the alias should be in the Select als well.
var model = Session.QueryOver<District>()
.Where(x => x.DistrictName == name)
.Left.JoinAlias((x => x.DfSystemCityId, () => cityalias)
.SelectList(l => l
.Select(x => x.DistrictName)
.Select(() => cityalias.Name)