I'm trying to better understand when Webspeech speech-to-text is actually avaialable and operational. In this process I see these few lines code all over the web, for assessing is speech-to-text is supported by the browser:
const NativeSpeechRecognition = typeof window !== 'undefined' && (
window.SpeechRecognition ||
window.webkitSpeechRecognition ||
window.mozSpeechRecognition ||
window.msSpeechRecognition ||
According https://caniuse.com/speech-recognition all actually supporting browsers (chrome, Opera, UC, Samsung, Safari, QQ, Baidu) use the webkit prefix: window.webkitSpeechRecognition. The caniuse.com table says that speech-to-text does not work on Edge (109 incl), while on my Windows PC, it works with Edge 109.0.1518.78., for my own JS web app (using the react-speech-recognition package and also with https://dictation.io/speech).
My web searches on "oSpeechRecognition" or "mozSpeechRecognition" or "msSpeechRecognition" have not been instructive.
I've run that code sandbox to know which of these is defined.
var recognition = new (window.SpeechRecognition ||
window.webkitSpeechRecognition ||
window.mozSpeechRecognition ||
recognition.lang = "en-US";
recognition.interimResults = false;
recognition.maxAlternatives = 5;
console.log("window.SpeechRecognition", window.SpeechRecognition);
console.log("window.webkitSpeechRecognition", window.webkitSpeechRecognition);
console.log("window.mozSpeechRecognition", window.mozSpeechRecognition);
console.log("window.msSpeechRecognition", window.msSpeechRecognition);
console.log("selected recognition", recognition);
recognition.onresult = function (event) {
console.log("You said: ", event.results[0][0].transcript);
On Chrome 109, the console is:
window.SpeechRecognition undefined
window.webkitSpeechRecognition ƒ SpeechRecognition() {}
window.mozSpeechRecognition undefined
window.msSpeechRecognition undefined
selected recognition EventTarget {grammars: Object, lang: "en-US", continuous: false, interimResults: false, maxAlternatives: 5…}
On Edge 109, the console is exactly the same:
window.SpeechRecognition undefined
window.webkitSpeechRecognition ƒ SpeechRecognition() {}
window.mozSpeechRecognition undefined
window.msSpeechRecognition undefined
selected recognition EventTarget {grammars: Object, lang: "en-US", continuous: false, interimResults: false, maxAlternatives: 5…}
On Firefox 109, the sandbox does not run.
TypeError undefined is not a constructor $csb$eval /src/index.js:1:18 var recognition = new (window.SpeechRecognition ||
I'd like to understand:
Many thanks. John.
I went through a difficult migration of a 2004 project with over 150 files to Webpack 5. Based on my understanding of your problem, here are my two cents:
The reason caniuse.com says speech-to-text does not work on Edge is likely because they have not updated their information to reflect the current status of Edge. Microsoft has moved to a Chromium-based browser engine for Edge, which means it should have the same speech recognition capabilities as Chrome, Opera, and other Chromium-based browsers. In your testing, you were able to confirm that speech-to-text works on Edge, which supports this theory.
The reason your code does not run on Firefox is that Firefox uses a different API for speech recognition called "Web Speech API". You can check for support using the following code:
const speechRecognitionSupported = 'webkitSpeechRecognition' in window || 'SpeechRecognition' in window;