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There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying

I recently switched on EndeavourOS based on Archlinux, made all my installation without any problem and tried to create a new NestJs project after installing NVM and Node latest version with it and NestJs/cli with it. After creating the new project, I selected npm first and the npm install never finished and crashed before. I find it weird and tried to create it with Yarn, here again it didn't finished.

I tried some solution that I have find on internet and none of them worked. In my terminal I got 4 times There appears to have trouble with your network connection. Retrying... then error An unexpected error occurred: " aborted".

I have actually try a lot of different solution like adding time for the timeout (up to 300000), clearing the cache by force, trying to install again the NestJs/client. I don't have any proxy setup, I have try to download it from ethernet cable, wi-fi and sharing connection from my phone, none of them worked. Knowing that I'm connected to a wifi of a dormitory of a school. I'm currently running out of solution so I don't really know what to do now.

  • Node version -> 18.14.1
  • Nest version -> 9.2.0
  • NVM version -> 0.39.3
  • Yarn version -> 1.22.19


  • I have a same Issue like you. Are you living in Korea? Because if you living in Korea and using a KT internet Service, You could read this link.

    I don't know the cause but if I use other internet service(like SKT, LG) it works fine.