I am trying to use the Azure Quota API to increase the limits of Azure Container Instance. However, it tells me that the provider Microsoft.ContainerInstance
is invalid. When I use Microsoft.Compute
the exact same request does work. Anyone an idea how to solve this?
Working request:
https:// management.azure.com/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/providers/Microsoft.Capacity/resourceProviders/Microsoft.Compute/locations/westeurope/serviceLimits/StandardDv2Family
Failing request:
https:// management.azure.com/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/providers/Microsoft.Capacity/resourceProviders/Microsoft.ContainerInstance/locations/westeurope/serviceLimits/StandardCores
Error 400 Bad request
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "The value provided for one of the Provider Ids was not in the correct format. Verify the value of Provider ID : Microsoft.ContainerInstance'."
Azure Quota API currently supports only Azure virtual machines (cores/vCPU) and Azure Machine Learning services (dedicated/vCPUs).